Attorneys Victor A. Russo and Gabriel A. Siniscal Win $4,946,653 FELA Jury Verdict
Marty Dollar has investigated cases on behalf of injured railroad workers since the 1980s. He has worked cases throughout the western United States and Alaska. At Hildebrand McLeod & Nelson, liability investigation is performed in collaboration with Hildebrand attorneys in a team concept that utilizes Marty’s experience. He understands the importance of strengthening liability through an awareness of the elements of the FELA, Safety Appliance Act, Locomotive Inspection Act, State and FRA safety regulations, and the proper work procedures codified within OSHA regulations and national safety standards. Examples of the cases Marty has investigated include fatalities, amputations, trip-and-fall, material handling, slack action events, derailments, hearing loss, toxic inhalation, overhead hazards, hazardous work environment, and occupational disability. His experience includes railroad crossing crashes, motor vehicle collisions, and a various personal injury matters. He is available by phone or electronic communication.
Marty has been an investigator since 1973, following graduation from San Diego State University. His initial training and experience was in criminal defense investigation for the Public Defender in Multnomah County, Oregon and then five years with the Federal Public Defender in Portland, Oregon.
Marty has been married for over four decades to his wife, Peggy. They have three grown children and several grandchildren. Marty is active in his church and community not-for-profits.