Do I Have a Valid FELA Claim?
Around 4:00a.m. on January 1, 2017, Mr. Snell was run over by two locomotives operated by the crew with whom he was assigned to work. Mr. Snell was clearing debris from a switch when the foreman, who was approximately 480 feet away and unable to see, directed the engineer to initiate a shoving move, running over Mr. Snell. This happened because BNSF violated several federal safety regulations and its own internal rules governing: (1) Protecting the point on a shoving move; (2) Communicating by radio; (3) Job Safety Briefing; and (4) Using the locomotive warning system (light, bells, and whistle).
Mr. Snell’s left foot and four right-hand fingers were crushed and later amputated. His hip and several ribs were fractured, and his lung punctured. His head was lacerated, and he also endured trauma to his right shoulder and right knee. He was under the locomotives for 45 minutes. He never lost consciousness. He has been diagnosed with chronic pain and post-traumatic stress disorder.
The trial lasted 21 court days and the jury deliberated for 6 additional days before rendering a verdict of $19,548,380.00 to compensate Mr. Snell. BNSF’s formal offer to compromise was $3,000,000.00. Mr. Snell refused this offer and the firm took BNSF to trial.
Anthony S. Petru, Victor A. Russo, and Gabriel A. Siniscal of Hildebrand McLeod & Nelson, LLP represented Mr. Snell.
On December 18, 2017, our client, Emily T, was a 20 year old Sophomore at the University of Washington returning home to southern Washington to enjoy the holidays with her family. She loved trains and was thrilled to learn she was on the inaugural run of the new route shortening the trip towards Portland. Amtrak designed the new run incorporating a steep hill followed by a sharp curve. Engineers were supposed to be trained to slow the train from 80 mph to 30 mph to negotiate the turn. However, Amtrak failed to properly train the crews. As a result the train hit the curve at 78 mph causing the train to fly off the bridge resulting in an awful wreck.
Emily was knocked out. When she awoke she found herself trapped in the wreckage unsure if she lost her legs or if she would live. She survived escaping with a concussion and a fractured clavicle. She was considered to be lucky. However, like many others she had life altering ‘hidden’ injures: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and a Minor Traumatic Brian Injury (MTBI or Post Concussion Syndrome). Utilizing advanced technology, the trial team was able to show the jury the results of an imaging study called a DTI. The results, read by a Neurosurgeon specializing in nerve imaging, showed evidence of brain injury in the same areas which were found to be deficient in neuropsychological testing. Those two results were consistent with Emily’s subjective symptoms. Her PTSD and sequelea of her MTBI persist to this day. Despite the obstacles, Emily. fought to stay in school and was able to graduate with a triple major. She is, by all measures, very impressive.
Amtrak defended the case arguing that since she has been successful in school and has a job, her injuries can’t be too bad. Before trial Amtrak assumed that a jury would not compensate for similar hidden injuries. The trial team decided not to include any request for economic damages – wage loss, future medical expenses – because they were too speculative. This allowed the jury to focus on the emotional and cognitive issues. The jury understood that success does not mean that the individual does not have the emotional consequences of PTSD or TBI. Emily was awarded $2,500,000 for her past damages and $5,500,000 for her future damages.
Emily was represented at trial by Anthony Petru and Scott Levy of Hildebrand, McLeod & Nelson LLP. Joe Grube of Grube Orehoski PLLC also represents Emily.
Mr. Jacob Keating was involved in two incidents while working for Amtrak as a locomotive engineer.
The first incident occurred on April 16, 2007, when Mr. Keating was savagely beaten by a known gang west of Sacramento, California. Mr. Keating, whose duties included ensuring the safe transit of passengers, tried to disburse gang members who were blocking the track. Once he was out of the train the attack occurred.
After over two years of extensive treatment, Mr. Keating returned to work for Amtrak as an engineer in late 2009 and early 2010.
The second incident occurred on March 11, 2010, when someone shined a red laser light into the cab of his locomotive. The event caused Mr. Keating to suffer a severe PTSD episode as he believed he was being targeted by a gun. At trial, the evidence established that Amtrak failed to do anything material to increase safety along the tracks in West Sacramento, despite Mr. Keating’s first incident.
The jury returned a verdict of $5,603,251.64.
On August 20, 2017, our client Joel loaded his jet ski onto a trailer and drove to a small beach area in Bixler, CA, near Brentwood. Joel had never been to the beach before, but someone recommended it to him as a good place to launch jet skis. When Joel arrived at the beach, several other people were there – some fishing and some floating in the water. There was a BNSF railroad crossing about 30 feet from the beach. The only warning devices at the crossing were “STOP” signs and a “Private RR Crossing” sign. There were no train-activated warning devices such as lights or gates.
Joel parked his truck on the side of the road, facing the crossing. Later, as he was leaving the area, Joel pulled his truck forward onto the crossing to straighten out his trailer. Joel heard yelling and saw a fisherman on the waving frantically at him. Joel thought the fisherman was trying to tell him not to back up because the fisherman’s child was behind the truck. Unfortunately, the yelling and waving was meant to warn Joel of an oncoming Amtrak train. Several seconds later, a westbound Amtrak train travelling 65 mph struck Joel’s truck. The impact sent Joel’s truck flying through the air. Joel was ejected from the truck and landed on the ground 100 feet away. The truck landed in the water, seriously injuring another beachgoer. Joel suffered significant orthopedic injuries, including fractures of his pelvis, ankle, and thoracic spine.
BNSF defended the case, arguing that Joel was negligent for failing to heed the numerous “No Trespassing” and “No Parking Signs,” for failing to obey the “STOP” sign at the crossing, and for driving onto the crossing and stopping without looking both ways first. BNSF argued that Contra Costa County was also to blame because County contractors allowed Joel to enter an area that was supposed to be off limits to the public.
The HMN trial team presented evidence that BNSF knew the beach area was used frequently by the recreating public and that BNSF failed to deter such use. The team also presented evidence that, despite the crossing’s unusually high accident rate and recommendations from the California Public Utilities Commission, BNSF failed to upgrade the crossing’s warning devices. The case settled after closing arguments for $5 million – more than 30 times BNSF’s highest offer before trial. Joel and his wife were represented at trial by Anthony Petru, Paula Rasmussen, and Charles Bracewell of Hildebrand, McLeod & Nelson LLP.
On the evening of March 1, 2020, Union Pacific Conductor Mario Orlando was riding the side steps on a locomotive that was being shoved when it struck a fixed-derail that a Carman had negligently left engaged after taking down blue flag protection. Mr. Orlando was thrown from the moving locomotive and suffered an ankle fracture and serious tendon tears. He received four surgeries to his left ankle and foot over the next few years and was ultimately rendered permanently disabled from his job as a conductor.
Union Pacific aggressively pursued a comparative negligence defense, arguing that Mr. Orlando violated GCOR and other rules, that he should have seen the derail while riding the point, and should have stopped the move before the locomotive hit the derail. Union Pacific also fought Mr. Orlando’s damages claim, alleging that his injuries were caused by a genetically inherited condition that attacks the feet and ankles, and that his treating surgeon committed medical malpractice by performing unnecessary surgeries.
Union Pacific’s formal settlement offer prior to trial was $250,000.00. Mr. Orlando refused this offer and the firm took Union Pacific to trial. The trial lasted 11 court days and the jury deliberated for 7 additional days before rendering a verdict of $4,946,653.00 to compensate Mr. Orlando. The jury found Union Pacific 90% at fault for the incident.
Victor A. Russo and Gabriel A. Siniscal of Hildebrand McLeod & Nelson LLP represented Mr. Orlando.
Mr. Martin was injured on November 14, 2008, while working as a switchman for BNSF in Commerce, California. Mr. Martin had to jump off of the engine he was riding to avoid potential fatal injuries in a pending crash with another train on the same track. The accident occurred as a result of poor and overcrowded radio traffic and a defective radio that severely limited the crew to two operative channels. After the engineer mistakenly changed the radio frequencies, Mr. Martin radioed to the engineer to prepare to stop. However, because the engineer had already changed radio frequency the engineer did not hear Mr. Martin’s communication.
Immediately prior to the collision Mr. Martin jumped from the locomotive platform to avoid being crushed. He suffered a grossly fractured right ankle that later required an ankle fusion surgery, and continues to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.
At trial, the jury rendered a verdict $4,931,549 to compensate Mr. Martin. He was represented by Anthony S. Petru and Victor A. Russo of Hildebrand McLeod & Nelson.
A young conductor, Mike Schnittgen, and his engineer, were operating a train in “dark territory” where the dispatchers cannot see the location of a train, or whether a switch is improperly lined. On July 19, 2011, rather than assigning an experienced brakeman, switchman or conductor to work with a contract “slot train” (a short train operated by a contractor designed to clean up areas along BNSF’s tracks) BNSF chose to assign the task to a welder. The welder failed to ensure that a mainline switch was properly closed and secured in advance of Mr. Schnittgen’s advancing train and then told the dispatcher it was closed.
By the time Mr. Schnittgen and the engineer realized that the switch was open, the siding was occupied by the slot train. Fortunately, he and the engineer survived the incident, but Mr. Schnittgen suffered PTSD and back injuries leading to a spinal fusion.
At trail, BNSF produced experts whose bias was clear and whose numbers did not add up. Fortunately, the jury saw through the railroad’s attempt to confuse and mislead them, and returned a verdict in the amount of $4,321,814.
Mr. Schnittgen was represented by Anthony S. Petru of the firm, along with local counsel David Paoli and John Kutzman of Paoli & Kutzman in Montana.
On January 27, 2011, Mr. Fair was working as herder for BNSF when he was injured while trying to line a railroad switch at the “Calwa Yard” in Fresno, California.
He sustained a torn meniscus and a torn anterior cruciate ligament in his left knee, each of which required surgery. MRIs of his low back also revealed that he suffered an annular tear and a bulging disk at L5-S1 in addition to a probable vertebral end plate fracture. Despite years of extensive medical treatment and his best efforts to recover, Mr. Fair was ultimately disabled from working for the railroad.
At trial, the evidence proved that the switch was poorly maintained, grossly out of adjustment and defective according to BNSF’s Track Engineering Instructions. Evidence also indicated that the switch had a bent connecting rod.
The jury returned a verdict of $3,216,000 for Mr. Fair who was represented by Anthony S. Petru of the firm.
On July 19, 2008, a BNSF employee filed a SIRP (Safety Issue Resolution Process) complaint about large ballast creating a footing hazard in BNSF’s Mormon Yard in Stockton, California. For seven months, BNSF did nothing. BNSF eventually hired an outside company to “fix” the ballast problem. That company left a ridge of unpacked ballast along one of the tracks.
Russell Oliver was injured on February 26, 2009, when he stepped on the ballast ridge causing torn and attenuated ligaments. Mr. Oliver underwent surgery to repair the anterior talofibular ligament and the calcaneofibular ligament. After over a year of post-surgical therapy Mr. Oliver returned to his regular job. However, 2 ½ years later, his ankle deteriorated to the point where he needed additional surgery to stabilize the ankle. He could no longer return to work.
During trial, BNSF attorneys argued that the railroad was not liable. Rejecting the railroad’s argument, the jury returned a verdict of $2,965,770 finding that BNSF was negligent under the FELA and California’s walkway standards, PUC GO 118, requiring reasonably regular walkways in railroad yards.
Mr. Oliver was represented at trial by Anthony S. Petru of the firm and associate Ryan J. Otis.
On February 7, 2009, Mr. Wilcox was struck and killed by a BNSF freight train at night in Holbrook, Arizona, while performing duties related to a crew change with a different BNSF train that was left parked without a crew on an adjacent mainline track.
After being struck, Mr. Wilcox did not die instantaneously, but the impact threw him against the train he was preparing for departure. Under the FELA, Mr. Wilcox’s estate could only recover pain and suffering damages for the time he was conscious before death. Although BNSF disputed Mr. Wilcox’s consciousness at trial, eyewitness testimony proved that he was able to speak after being struck and lived 2-3 hours until he perished at the hospital. As part of the verdict, the jury compensated the heirs for Mr. Wilcox’s conscious pain and suffering in the amount of $600,000.
After a three-week trial in Phoenix, Arizona, the jury returned a verdict of $2.94 million and also found that BNSF violated Arizona’s walkway regulation. BNSF continued to deny responsibility until their appeals were exhausted. Mrs. Wilcox was represented at trial by Anthony S. Petru of the firm and Jason J. Romero.
On June 6, 2009, Mr. Estrada was injured while working as a trainman for BNSF at the Mormon Yard in Stockton, California. He suffered severe ankle injuries when he stepped out from between railcars into a hole in a walkway. BNSF knew that the lighting in the railyard was not in compliance with their own standards, but did not complete any lighting upgrades until after Mr. Estrada’s incident.
Mr. Estrada brought suit against BNSF for negligently maintaining the walkway, for violations of PUC Order 118 (which requires safe walkways in railroad yards) and poor lighting.
After extensive treatment and returning to work with no improvement in his ankle, Mr. Estrada needed surgery. As a result, he developed Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) — a chronic nerve injury resulting from surgery. Following an 18-month course of rehabilitation, the CRPS continued to give Mr. Estrada problems.
At the time of trial, despite chronic pain, Mr. Estrada continued to work for BNSF. The jury returned a verdict of $3,508,383 (minus 20% for Mr. Estrada’s own contributory negligence). Mr. Estrada was represented by Anthony S. Petru and associate Ryan J. Otis of the firm.
On November 11, 2008, Ms. Stacy Wipff suffered disabling injuries to her low back while working as a conductor for BNSF Railway Company during a railcar switching operation in Seligman, Arizona. Ms. Wipff was riding a railcar when a hostile engineer jerked her around by not using the train’s brakes while switching. His action resulted in violent slack action. Other railroad employees witnessed the accident and reported that the railcars and their wheels leaped off the tracks. Evidence at trial established that BNSF was negligent in maintaining the hostile engineer despite years of complaints, including terrible train handling and threats of gun violence.
At the time of the incident, Ms. Wipff was 38 years old and was initially diagnosed with an acute myofascial lumbar strain. Conservative physical therapy was ineffective, and she later developed radiating pain down into her legs. Thereafter, she underwent two surgeries. Unfortunately, the first did not fully relieve her pain. However, after the second surgery Ms. Wipff had progressed to the point where her pain was manageable.
Ms. Wipff was ultimately unable to continue working as a railroad conductor for BNSF. At trial, the jury returned a verdict of $2,718,653. Anthony S. Petru of Hildebrand McLeod & Nelson and Steve Young of Texas represented her at trial.
On April 12, 2008, Jonathan E. Cook was assigned to work as an engineer on a Union Pacific Railroad freight train that had been left at a siding. While preparing the train to depart, Mr. Cook stepped in crater grease that had been wiped off of someone’s shoe onto an interior step. Due to the crater grease Mr. Cook slipped and fell on his back and head causing a head injury, loss of consciousness, visual problems, post concussive syndrome (PCS), mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI), low back pain and injury to his neck resulting in a three-level cervical fusion. Mr. Cook was unable to continue working as a locomotive engineer for UPRR.
At trial, the evidence established that the existence of crater grease likely came from a car inspector. That inspector probably got the grease on his shoe from an earlier inspection. The jury found the facts established a strict liability violation of the Federal Locomotive Inspection Act, the Federal Railroad Locomotive Safety Standards, and negligent under the Federal Employers’ Liability Act.
The jury returned a verdict of $2.323 million in favor of Jonathan E. Cook. Mr. Cook was represented by Anthony S. Petru of Hildebrand McLeod & Nelson.
On February 20, 2008, Rosendale McMackin was working as a conductor for Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) onboard the lead locomotive of a nearly two-mile-long freight train. As the train slowed into a siding, it underwent an undesired emergency brake application (UDE) due to a defect in the train’s air brake system. The sudden and unexpected stop caused the train to break in two when a draw bar fractured causing injuries to Mr. McMackin’s shoulder.
At trial, the evidence established that a defective air valve (called a triple valve) failed under a railcar near the rear of the train initiating the UDE.
Mr. McMackin underwent two surgeries on his shoulder but was ultimately unable to return to work as a conductor. The jury returned a verdict of $1,795,227 for Rosendale McMackin who was represented at trial by Anthony Petru of Hildebrand McLeod & Nelson and John Coletti.
On April 25, 2003, Neil Jensen was switching cars in the Fresno yard by pulling pins with his left arm. As he reached down for the cut lever and pulled it up in the normal manner, it suddenly and abruptly stopped. Mr. Jensen immediately felt severe pain in his left arm.
After a year of physical therapy, he returned to work. Shortly thereafter, his left wrist gave out due to a fall from a locomotive. As a result, Mr. Jensen underwent four different surgeries — the last a partial fusion. He was eventually able to return to work but suffers from constant discomfort and partial numbness in his wrist and hand.
At trial, plaintiff established that BNSF violated the Federal Safety Appliance Act. The jury returned a verdict of $1,740,617 in Mr. Jensen’s favor. He was represented by Anthony S. Petru and Ryan J. Otis of Hildebrand McLeod & Nelson.
On September 21, 2005, Mr. Dale Black was injured while working as a locomotive engineer for BNSF. Prior to his shift, and without his knowledge (not communicated to him), the train to which he was assigned experienced at least one undesired emergency (UDE) brake applications.
During his shift, and while operating the train, it experienced severe slack action and two UDEs, causing sudden and violent run-ins resulting in injuries to Mr. Black’s hand, wrist, shoulder and neck. The injuries required surgery. Mr. Black never returned to and was ultimately disabled from work as a locomotive engineer.
At trial, Mr. Black argued that BNSF was negligent because the train was made up with loads toward the rear of the train, and that UDEs were in violation of the Federal Safety Appliance Act (SAA). The jury found BNSF negligent and in violation of the SAA for the UDEs, and returned a verdict of $1,650,000. Mr. Black was represented at trial by Anthony S. Petru and Jason J. Romero of the firm.
On June 25, 2008, Mr. Douglas Smesrud was injured while working as a trainman on a local freight job.
As he was walking alongside the track in a ‘walkway,’ he tripped and fell into a rusty piece of rebar that punctured his knee, and caused him to twist and fall to the ground. The next day he began to experience both back and leg pain. Later, he was diagnosed with two bulging discs. After 16 months of conservative treatment, he underwent two back surgeries.
At trial, the evidence established that the rebar came from hundreds of tons of recycled construction materials that were used to reinforce the railroad’s tracks. Furthermore, both Southern Pacific (Union Pacific Railroad Company’s predecessor) and Union Pacific failed to anticipate the danger the construction material posed to their train crews.
After all the evidence was in, the Judge granted Mr. Petru’s motion for a directed verdict finding that UP violated the California Walkway Standards, PUC GO 118. The jury returned a damages verdict of $1,396,841 in favor of Mr. Smesrud. He was represented at trial by Anthony S. Petru and Ryan J. Otis of Hildebrand McLeod & Nelson.
Mr. Perry Mack, Jr., worked as a hostler, groundman and crane operator at UPRR’s intermodal yard in Long Beach, California, when he was injured on March 1, 2011, at age 52. Mr. Mack was injured while operating the company’s “Cone” vehicle. Prior to the day of his injury, UPRR had never trained Mr. Mack on this vehicle. When Mr. Mack told his boss that he was not trained, his boss told him not to worry and gave Mr. Mack a 60-second verbal instruction.
That same day, while operating the vehicle, it stopped abruptly causing Mr. Mack to be thrown down to the operator’s deck. He missed three months of work and then returned to restricted duty for 9 months until his treating doctor imposed additional restrictions. UPRR would not accommodate Mr. Mack’s medical restrictions, and he went off work permanently in March 2012. Mr. Mack’s treating doctor and two medical experts opined that the incident permanently aggravated preexisting, asymptomatic degenerative disc disease in Mr. Mack’s lower back. A positive EMG test also indicted nerve damage.
Amongst other things, the jury found that the UP violated numerous OSHA regulations that mandate training and instruction on how to operate the vehicle. Further investigation also revealed that the vehicle was defective and negligently maintained by UPRR.
The jury returned a verdict of $1,319,263. Mr. Mack was represented at trial by Victor A. Russo.
On February 27, 2008, trainman Harvell Sumlin suffered a disabling knee injury when he slipped on sloped mainline ballast as he was crossing two sets of live mainline tracks to get to a train located on the departure tracks inside BNSF Railway Company’s Calwa Yard in Fresno, California. The evidence showed that BNSF’s van driver could have driven directly to the waiting train, but chose to drop off Mr. Sumlin and his crew such that they had to cross the live tracks and traverse on large rocks.
At the time of the incident, Mr. Sumlin was 59 ½ years old with 37 years of service. As a result of the accident, Mr. Sumlin had arthroscopic surgery six weeks post-accident, and later underwent a total knee replacement.
At trial, the jury found that the accident rendered a previously asymptomatic degenerative knee to be symptomatic. The jury found past economic damages in the amount of $410K; future economic damages of $270K; future medical expenses of $120K; past general damages of $250K; and future general damages of $250K. All combined, the verdict was $1,300,000.00.
Mr. Sumlin was represented by Anthony S. Petru of Hildebrand McLeod & Nelson LLP
On May 1, 2003, switchman James R. Meyers suffered disabling injuries to his neck and low back when he fell to the ground due to hazardous footing conditions along the lead switching track at BNSF Railway Company’s Riverbank Yard.
At the time of the incident, Mr. Meyers was “kicking” railcars down the lead track when he pivoted to step away from the track after releasing a cutting lever and stepped on a ballast that was left on top of asphalt near a carman’s crossing. His feet suddenly went out from under him and he fell face-first to the ground alongside the track.
Evidence at trial established that BNSF was negligent for failing to provide safe footing conditions along the switching lead, failing to clean up after the yard cleaner (who was there the day before), and failing to warn Mr. Meyers of any footing hazards.
After the incident, Mr. Meyers was disabled from railroad work, and underwent extensive treatment for chronic pain in his neck and low back. At trial, the jury returned a verdict of $1,180,201 in favor of Mr. Meyers who was represented by Victor A. Russo and an associate of Hildebrand McLeod & Nelson.
On August 30, 2013, Mr. Dorrance sustained low back injuries while working in northern Oregon. Immediately after removing an End of Train Device (EOT) from an inbound train, he was required to descend a steep ballast slope to perform a roll by inspection of an oncoming train. As he stepped over the rail to descend the slope, the footing suddenly gave way underneath him causing him to slip down the slope.
Union Pacific vigorously defended the lawsuit, including denying any responsibility, denying any violation of Oregon walkway regulations, denying Mr. Dorrance suffered injuries and denying the incident even occurred.
The jury unanimously found that Union Pacific was negligent and violated the Oregon walkway regulations. The jury returned a verdict of $1,109,148 in favor of Mr. Dorrance. He was represented at trial by Anthony S. Petru of Hildebrand McLeod & Nelson LLP.
On October 16, 2008, Mr. Ron Vergara, age 36, was working as a trainman on an industrial remote control job for Union Pacific Railroad at Lube Industries. While working on a sharply curved track and attempting to uncouple two railcars, he encountered great difficulty with the cut levers and “tweaked” his back.
Evidence at trial proved that over the years, the railroad and Lube Industries received several complaints about the curved track preventing the cut levers from operating as intended. However, no changes were made (either to the track or procedures employed), and no warnings were given to Mr. Vergara about the known risks.
Mr. Vergara underwent surgery, and ultimately could not return to work. At trial, the jury returned a verdict of $850,000 (less 33% for his own contributory negligence).
Mr. Vergara was represented at trial by Victor A. Russo of Hildebrand McLeod & Nelson, LLP.
On July 31, 2006, Mr. C.J. Williams was injured while working as a conductor for BNSF Railway Company. Mr. Williams’ 12 hours on duty had expired under federal law, and he was required to detrain in order to allow another crew to board. Rather than direct his train to stop in a location with level even footing near a road crossing, BNSF directed the train to continue as long as possible. As a result the train was forced to stop where the only ballast was large main line ballast on the slope adjacent to the tracks. While descending the engineer’s side locomotive ladder, he suffered a torn medial meniscus in his right knee when the large steep mainline ballast gave way under his right foot.
He underwent two arthroscopic surgeries and was ultimately unable to return to work as a conductor.
At trial, the railroad argued that the mainline ballast was safe despite admitting that it shifts unexpectedly underfoot and alleged that Mr. Williams failed to use a three-point stance while detraining. The jury disagreed, found the railroad negligent and rendered a verdict of $353,46.00 in Mr. William’s favor.
He was represented by Anthony S. Petru of Hildebrand McLeod & Nelson.