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Being that you were the one who was made a victim of a railroad accident, you may know exactly when, where, and how your injuries and damages came about. However, your word may only carry so much weight in the Federal Employers’ Liability Act (FELA) claim you intend to bring forward. That is, your presented argument may be further solidified by the provided statements and opinions of eyewitnesses present at the scene at the time of your accident, and arguably more important, a collection of expert witnesses. With that being said, please continue reading to learn how expert witnesses may help your claim and how one of the experienced FELA lawyers at Hildebrand McLeod & Nelson LLP can help you retain them.

How can expert witnesses help my FELA claim?

First of all, an expert witness is an established professional in their given field with the necessary training, experience, and education to speak on the matter at hand. Therefore, an expert witness may support your FELA claim by providing credible testimony about the technical aspects of your accident, as you may not have the professional background to formulate these explanations on your own.

For example, you may employ a railroad safety expert to explain industry safety standards and demonstrate how your employer exhibited negligence by potentially failing to implement these standards in their workplace. A similar expert may be an industrial hygiene expert, who may know the hazardous materials you were exposed to and how they probably led to your incurred illnesses or injuries.

In addition, you may seek an accident reconstruction expert. This individual may analyze the overall scene of your railroad accident and then provide a detailed theory of how your accident likely took place, from start to finish. Lastly, having a medical expert in your corner may be in your best interest so that they may confirm the severity of your incurred injuries or disabilities and how they may affect you physically, emotionally, and financially from now on.

How can I retain expert witnesses for my FELA claim?

The easier way to retain expert witnesses for your FELA claim is to hire a lawyer first. This is because your lawyer may have connections that allow them to swiftly contact and access the individuals needed for your case. From here, your lawyer may do a deep dive into a prospective expert witness’s background. This is so to confirm that this individual has the proper training, experience, and education to adequately comment on the circumstances surrounding your case.

We would like you to understand that while an expert witness is pivotal for your claim, it does not supersede the importance of a lawyer. In the end, there is no sense in waiting any longer if you know you require financial compensation now. So please reach out to one of the skilled FELA lawyers from Hildebrand McLeod & Nelson LLP today.